The Story of Self
What is the story you tell about your life and who you are? Is it defined by hurt, pain, and the challenges you have endured? Or is your narrative based on the opportunities, gifts, and successes you have experienced? Taking the time to visit and become familiar with this terrane might just be the key to unlock and possibly redefine your ‘story of self’ that is more complete and liberating. We each have a unique story to tell that is made up of every experience we have had since our inception, and possibly the time before. Every act of abuse, trauma, pain, nurturance, love, and joy is woven into the fabric of our cells, thoughts, decision making and choices. This becomes our identity, which is often made up of unexamined beliefs and values that either inhibit or free us to be more fully who we can be in life.
What is your story of self? Is it liberating and empowering? Or is it limiting and holding you back?